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Writer's pictureMelody Meachum

☄️Lot's Torment And The "Mark," Of Ezk.9

Updated: Apr 23, 2023

There's a lot of talk about DNA and the "mark" regarding what it is, who has it, and who doesn't. Evil minions have paid off the complicit, blind, and godless, to infiltrate and compromise every sector of culture, especially “Caesar’s ruling class.”

Manipulated science has become the engineered religion for the lawless, greedy, and unaccountable. Humanity has been told to just "believe in the science" while simultaneously lying and covering up deaths, and injuries while amassing record-breaking and obscene profits in the process. We live in a world of lies and this modern era of fallen angel technology reminds me of "eating from the tree of good and evil." Now the technocrats want their biological potions IN our bodies to tamper with our will and "temple."

I don't know about you, but I have and am suffering from living amongst evil-doers, just as Lot did. The curtain has been pulled back and exposed deep-seated evil beyond anything we could ever imagine. And yes, there is absolutely a specific type of “torment” for a righteous person (one who loves righteousness and right-doing) when thick darkness gets thicker still, to the point of dense, culture-consuming saturation. If your heart aches from living in a demonically charged world, then both you and I can relate to Lot. I've wrestled with this "vexation" of the heart, just as Lot did. While heavy-hearted, the Spirit of Elohim led me to Lot's story for its Biblical references.

The feeling of heaviness is described perfectly in 2nd Peter. In the Bible, we see our brother, Lot, living in the similar Godless, lawless city of Sodom. The account says that he was “tormented” by the evil that surrounded him. Can you relate to his torment? I know I can. The Scripture states in verse 8 below, "his (Lot's) soul was vexed” (heavily distraught, mourning, and burdened).

2 Peter 2:6-8
  • (6) And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example unto those that after should live ungodly;

  • (7) and delivered righteous Lot, *who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked.

  • (8) For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day-to-day with their unlawful deeds;*

  • (9) The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the Day of Judgment to be punished…

These verses could easily be describing our day! Obviously, Lot was miserable and carried an extremely heavy burden over his surroundings! There’s another amazing and encouraging account of deliverance to "those that sighed and cried out over abominations," and they were also spared from the judgment of death, by the “Mark” placed upon their foreheads; I call them the “Righteous Mourners.”

The "Mark" Of The Righteous Mourner-

Concerning the "Mark," take a hard, close look at Ezekiel 9:4-6. "He set a mark upon their foreheads of the men that SIGH AND CRY OUT OVER THE ABOMINATIONS that be done in the midst thereof." No regard is paid to birth or position when the executioners went through as YHVH commanded; they and they only are “marked” who mourned over the sinfulness and kept themselves apart from it. I can’t help but wonder- Could that “Mark” be the furrowed brow, the deep-set lines on the forehead of those who have spent much time weeping before YeHoVaH, lamenting in deep prayer before the His Throne over the unlawful, shameful deeds of the people, oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked? There comes the point where even those that weep have no more tears, just as those who petition and cry out relentlessly in prayer can reach a point where they seem to have no more words. Once we have "rent" (torn) ourselves before our Sovereign Elohim, over and over, year after year, what is there left to do or say- only to render Praise to YHVH, and trust wholeheartedly in His Sovereign plan.

Then comes the sweet, much-needed balm for my soul; I found Psalm 34 very comforting-

Psalm 34:15-19- The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous and his ears are open unto their cry. (16) The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. (17) The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. (18) The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. (19) Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
Did you take notice of the word, "all", used twice?!

If we’re true “Kings and Priests” of Yeshua's Kingdom, we DO what Priests DO- we PRAY over the sinful condition(s) of ourselves in repentance, AND for others- that their eyes would be opened by the Spirit of Truth from The Father. Seek the Holy Spirit regarding Elohim’s “Mark.” I definitely want His "Mark" that sets Israel (His people) apart from the world’s dreaded judgments reserved for the lawless, wicked.

Lot's lifetime was before our Messiah came. That said, I believe the Blood of The Lamb is our “Mark” in the end days. Lot’s crying-out over the abominations he lived among and witnessed, clearly was important enough to Elohim to identify him as being, “set apart” from the coming imminent destruction. Our "crying out" is not only heard but should be a product of a righteous heart.

Recommit To Prayer!

Praying is an important part of the character that sets us apart and counted as righteousness. When the same things that break the Father’s heart, breaks ours too, we are demonstrating on a deeply personal level that we share the heart of our Heavenly family. Clearly, YHVH rewards and will deliver those who feel tormented in Spirit from the pervasive evil of our day, as well. Pray, watch, and stay ready! Monumental changes are on the horizon. Praise YHVH!

If this has resonated with you or encouraged you in some way, please leave a comment to let me know you were here. I love SO much to hear from your heart too!

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Rebekah Garvin
Rebekah Garvin
21 sept 2022

The Mark of YHVH

Great article, Melody! My soul, too is vexed over the abominations plaguing my eyes! It makes my stomach sick! I believe that the Mark of Yah is His Shabbats. In the Scriptures, the words seal, sign, mark, and token are used interchangeably.

As the Scriptures says in Ezekiel 20:12, “I gave them my sabbaths, to be a SIGN (אוֹת: Strongs 266: mark, miracle, ensign, a signal, as a, flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence) between me and them, that they might know that I am YHVH that sanctify them.”

Ezekiel 20:20 says, "Keep My Sabbaths holy, that they may be a SIGN between us, so that you may know that I am YHVH your Elohim.'


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Melody Meachum
Melody Meachum
30 sept 2022
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LOVED your comment, Rebekah. We're so clearly not of "this" world. I'll be so glad when Yeshua comes and righteousness IS the standard. Everything our Father has set aside for us- such as His precious Ruach ha Qodesh, His Sabbath, and His Appointed Times, is a great balm to our hearts that sustains us and helps us to endure. I feel as though I'm sprinting all week, to arrive at another Sabbath day of rest. Especially in these wicked days, the observed Shabbat is certainly like a bright beacon, as you pointed out. May our prayers be of one accord, as the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"

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17 sept 2022

Melody you are a beautiful blessing love you Shalom ♥️

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17 sept 2022

Yes, I totally agree, sin opens the portal to every evil work. the evil that is in or upon this world is beyond sickening. I’m constantly running to psalms 91. YeHoVaH is my refuge. When I look out into this world I see the sin that has caused major damage, their is no compassion, sin is a disease that is spreading like wild fire, even the trees and animals are feeling the affects of sin. The unrighteous people just don’t care and are not ashamed of what they do, open their eyes Ye’shua!!!! yes we truly are sodom. Look at the word sodom it truly fits the enemy. As I read his word we must hear and obey repent …

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Melody Meachum
Melody Meachum
17 sept 2022
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WoW Darlene! You said it all. Our hearts are cut out of the same cloth. Thank you for articulating your words so beautifully, I love sharing with like-minded sisters with eyes that can see. Bless you. Love your comment ❤️!!

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