Keeping the Feasts of Elohim (the Father) is for those who are totally, and completely dedicated to pleasing YHVH in the humble yielding of their thoughts, desires and actions, as He directed HIS people to DO. The annual cycle of Feasts are intended to encourage the lifelong pursuit of righteousness through Yeshua, with the help of the indwelling voice of the Ruach Ha’Qodesh, to whom we seek guidance & direction in the ways of Elohim. The Feasts are important Biblical remembrances of crucial past events, as well as a glimpse into our future. It's how we pass on our spiritual heritage to our "littles."
Time has eroded so much, but YHVH’S Word states repeatedly that in the end-days, He would RESTORE the ancient path, and His Holy set-apart Name, as He alone would caused it to be so. He is the only One referred to as, the “Ancient" of days. It's certainly His sovereign right to restore His Holy intentions with the last days remnant of believers, by writing His laws upon our heart, making His authentic Name known, and regarded as "treasure" (as He stated He would in Jeramiah 31:32) , and birthing the DESIRE to show up every year to honor His Feasts, in the hearts of so many around the world.
We keep the Feasts of the Father because they are HIS Feasts, just as He stated in Scripture. These celebrations were not instituted by man- they were instituted by Elohim and commanded to mankind to participate in, for all generations. We're to remember annually, what He’s done throughout history to bring us to a point of understanding why lambs are no longer slaughtered to atone for our sin, and no Levitical High Priest is necessary any longer to preside his office in a Temple made of stone.
We've inherited a New Covenant through through Yeshua where we can be forgiven, grafted-in as His people, and finally redeemed as “family” for all eternity through the blood of Yeshua, the Lamb of Elohim! These are MONUMENTAL "time-stamps" worthy of discussion, remembering, and participating in; that alone is reason enough, but observing these Feasts annually allows us to teach and pass on the Biblical understanding to the next generation. Keeping the Feasts continues the legacy of our spiritual forefathers within our own hearts and homes. We bind His Law to our inward parts and become inseparable; grafted together and become knit together, as one.
For all who hunger and thirst to be closer to Messiah Yeshua by remembering His divine work, and His epic plan set in motion for mankind, the Feasts blesses us, reveals layers of beautiful insights, and inspires us to move onward (with our whole heart) to keeping every Feast appointment as the Father said DO in the book of Deuteronomy- "In every household, perpetually, throughout every geneation." This is a clear instruction, to His people, who choose to listen. The Father tells us repeatedly to "remember" how He delivered us out of Egypt, how He provided for His people in the desert, how He sent His Son as the perfect Lamb. So how do we DO that? We observe His Feasts so we never forget.
We keep the Moadim (appointed times) , and in turn, the soul is continually watered with the meditation of immense deep love for a Father that went to such great lengths to bring us back into relationship with Him.
The KING of kings, and the Father has an infinite ocean of commitment for those who love Him, and KEEP His Commandments seeking to "be one" with the Royal Heavenly Family, in Covenant, and whose grafting into the vine has become a reality, lived out, day to day, moment to moment.
We have the honor of participating in the 7 annual Holy days of YHVH, because we've embraced our identity as His family, and accepted the Father's directives. There's been repeantance and thus forgiveness. We have been Atoned for, by Yeshua's blood and claimed our stolen, hidden identity that has become known once more identified as "His last days remnant."
Keeping the Moadim (Feasts) is simply a family tradition in the eternal family of Elohim, by which we can choose to belong. What an extraordinary opportunity and honor to be called His "family." It is said, "we can't choose our family," but when it comes to our Spiritual identity, the choice is ours to make; choose wisely.
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